Welcome to Padre Pio Bonsai.
We now sell our bonsai online and hand
deliver Sydney wide, and also post a range of
small to medium bonsai to regional areas and
Larger bonsai can also be posted pending email
All bonsai on these pages that have a price
attached are available for purchase in our
We are a small scale family owned Bonsai Nursery with 32 years Bonsai experience, catering for what we have found our customers are looking for.
From starters to advanced bonsai, we have all the most popular species, including Figs and Junipers or (miyagi tree) as my customers call them. We have all the deciduous trees, evergreens, the ever popular Australian Natives and perhaps the most desired as gifts, flowering and scented bonsai, such as the serissas, azaleas, gardenias and bouganvillias.
Also popular are the fruiting and berry producing bonsai like cottoneaster's, Pyracantha, Lily Pily, Percimon and Quince.
Always a great attractant to Bonsai is the great variety of styles with its unlimited ways of shaping the tree into a design from your imagination, or something you may have seen at a Bonsai show/exhibition.
So, if you want to master such a mysterious ancient art form and imitate Japanese Masters like Masahiko Kimura, or enhance your home and garden with a ready potted bonsai, you can't go past Padre Pio Bonsai.
The peace and harmony that even a single Bonsai will bring is amazing, then create an area in your garden with several Bonsai and you will have a truly Zen experience.